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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Showing posts with label TUTORIAL BLOG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TUTORIAL BLOG. Show all posts

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Affiliate marketing has many descriptions, yet all have the same meaning. Affiliate marketing is a huge business piece on the Internet. It is a cooperative effort between merchants and an affiliate’s website. For many years now, affiliate marketing has proved to be a cost-efficient, measurable method of delivering long-tern results. It has become famous for Internet sites who are trying to make some extra or additional income for their site. Every day, people get interested to affiliate marketing and want to make money out of it. But in many cases, these new affiliates do not fully understand the affiliate world and make costly mistakes. In other words, affiliate marketing has often been misunderstood.

One of the common misconceptions that are being associated about affiliate marketing is “selling”, though selling is an important activity of affiliate marketing and the central function of a business operation. Another is that affiliate marketing is commonly linked with “advertising”. While the importance of advertising in marketing a certain product is not to be underestimated, the fact of the matter is, advertising like selling, is merely a part of the many functions of marketing.

In affiliate marketing, an affiliate is compensated for every visitor, subscriber and/or customer provided through his efforts. The said compensation may be made based on a certain value for each visit. The most attractive aspect of affiliate marketing from the merchant’s viewpoint is that no payment is due to an affiliate until results are appreciated.

Affiliate marketing is typically being run by affiliate networks and this affiliate networks are composed of two functional bodies, the group affiliates and the group merchants. Each has their special function and role when it comes to affiliate marketing. The affiliate network acts as a third party between the merchant and the associated affiliates. The network provides the technology to deliver the merchant’s campaigns and offers. The affiliate network also collects commission fees from the merchant and then pays the affiliates which are part of the program.

The merchant is any web site owner that wants or desires to take advantage of performance based marketing. The benefits to the merchant are many. First, the merchant maintains and operates the affiliate program. If it would be extracted, the merchant needs to do their part by researching interested affiliate websites to ensure that they are a good fit for that particular website. Finding a fit for their merchandise would be the key to more generated income. The merchant has access to markets and customers without him spending valuable time searching out. Banner ads on affiliate sites are not distracting to the site user. It might produce interest for that product and drive the consumer to the merchants’ website. It is also the merchant who decides how much he is willing to pay for each sale that results from a visitor sent from an affiliate.

The affiliate or the affiliate marketer also sees a lot of benefits. The affiliate is a web site owner that promotes one or more merchants and their affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing can generate a full-time income for the affiliate. But this is not an easy task to accomplish. The affiliate needs to have a better understanding with the merchant what the commission will be, expected payment method and time involved in the contract. The affiliate has also the responsibility to stand for the merchandise their user based would be most interested in. For example, if the site has a user base of mainly stay-at-home mothers, then on-line job openings such as surveys would be a good match for them. This group would also appreciate direct links to children’s products and informational sites. Merchandisers often provide targeted, best-seller items and personal support to their affiliate. They often offer sales promotions that will benefit the merchandiser as well as the affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is a great situation for both the marketer and the affiliate. If they would work together, they can be an advantage to both. Plus the fact that it seems to make sense, it is easy and inexpensive way to start, and you can be up and running within a few days. But there is one thing to consider, it is how to get traffic and make your offer different than all others.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Anda sering dibuat stres oleh PC/laptop anda? Anda benar-benar tidak percaya, setelah dengan berat hati merogoh kocek yang cukup banyak untuk membeli CD Original Windows XP. Alih alih mendapatkan sistem operasi idaman yang aman dari razia Polisi justru pesan Error yang Anda dapatkan. Setelah selesai proses instalasi layar Anda menampilkan pesan error bertuliskan “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting”.

Bahkan pesan error tetap tak mau hilang setelah Anda mengunjungi situs untuk melakukan validasi. Pesan error tetap muncul berulang kali..
Niat hati ingin tertib peraturan dengan menginstall software yang bukan bajakan, justru ‘dituduh’ sebagai korban pembajakan software..
Sungguh tidak menyenangkan, bukan?

Banyak sekali tutorial yang memberikan tips dan trik untuk menghilangkan pesan error "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting” namun dari ribuan tips-tips tersebut hampir sebagian besar pengguna pc/laptop idak bisa menerapkan apa yang di sampaikan. Hal ini tentu dikarenakan pengguna laptop/pc masih awam mengenai sistem komputer, apalagi harus disuruh masuk "regedit" atau "safe mode" melalui F8 dan atau apalah....!!!

Tentu hal ini tidak akan mudah bisa di cerna oleh masyarakat awam yang mungkin bagi sebagian masyarakat hal tersebut makanan sehari-hari mereka. Nah adakah solusi lain?

Bagi pencinta pc/laptop sekarang anda tidak usah merasa berkecil hati karena anda tidak mengerti dengan sistem operasi komputer (OS). Saya akan memberikan langkah mudah bagaimana cara menghilangkan / mengusir pesan error "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting” dan tidak balik-balik lagi! langkah-langkahnya sbb:

1. Download WGA Remover di sini ; atau di sini

2. Setelah selesai simpan program WGA Remover yang di download tadi di tempan yang mudah dicari.

3.Matikan Automatic Updates melalui MSCONFIG. Klik Start, pilih Run, dan tulis msconfig pada kolom yang tersedia, lalu tekan Enter. Akan muncul System Configuration Utility. Pilih Jendela Services. Kita Scroll Down ke bawah sampai akhirnya ada Automatic Updates. Hilangkan tanda check-nya. Klik OK. Dan tekan tombol Restart.

4. Setelah komputer di restart sekarang jalankan "RemoveWGA" yang sudah di download tadi, dengan cara meng-click dua kali setelah itu biarkan dia bekerja sesaat.

5. Setelah selesai restart kembali pc/laptop anda.

6. Dijamin sekarang pesan error tadi tidak akan kembali.

Note: kalau anda gagal, silahkan anda mengulangi kembali., selamat mencoba.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Blogging 101 is mostly about the blogging vocabulary. To understand blogs, you need to know the terms blog, platform, domain, and web host. Once you have mastered these key elements of blogging, you can enter any conversation about blogging with onfidence. After you know what exactly a blog is, you will be on your way to passing the final exam of blogging 101.

Blog is short for weblog, which simply means a series of online posts presented in reverse chronological order. That's all! Most blogs are text, but there are also photo blogs and video blogs. The rest of blogging 101 has to do with the technical side of things. If you are setting up a blog, you will ne ed a platform, a web host, and a domain. A blogging platform is a computer software programthat allows you to write posts and to update your blog.

Your platform is also what you use to design the look of your blog, from color scheme to font size. The web host is sort of like the virtual file cabinet where your blog is stored. Your computer communicates with the host when you upload or
edit a post. The domain is the online address of your blog, and usually ends in ‘dot com'. Now that you know what a blog is, what a platform is, and what domains and hosts are, congratulate yourself!

You have passed blogging 101.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Internal Link, Tips SEO Paling Mudah dan Berkualitas bagi BLOGGER

Dalam dunia blogger link merupakan bagian penting, terutama jika kita ingin mempunyai blog dengan pengunjung yang banyak. Dalam dunia blogger kita mengenal TIPS SEO yang digunakan agar blog kita mudah ditemukan mesin pencari sehingga hal ini memungkinkan blog kita dikunjungi banyak visitor

dan trafffic blog kita secara mendadak menjadi sangat padat.

Untuk membangun suatu blog yang ramai pengunjung kita butuh beberapa tips SEO. Tips SEO dimulai dari tips tips yang mudah sampai dengan Tips tips yang harus memerlukan pengetahuan lebih lanjut tentang kode pemrograman misalnya CSS, XML , maupun html.

Namun, disini saya ingin memberikan TIPS SEO yang relative mudah dan dapat di terapkan oleh banyak blogger termasuk para blogger pemula. Tips mudah namun berkualitas ini adalah TIPS SEO MEMBANGUN INTERNAL LINK.

Internal link adalah link link yang dibuat mengarah kedalam blog kita namun berada di area dalam ( semua berhubungan dengan bagian bagian blog kita ). misalnya saya mengarahkan link ini kepada postingan saya sebelumnya yang membahas tentang anti virus smadav “ Smadav, antivirus lokal yang handal buatan indonesia “. internal link bisa kita lihat misalnya di posting, related artikel, tag dan keyword.

pada intinya internal link akan memudahkan google dan mesin pencari lainya yang akan mengindex blog kita. dengan adanya internal link ini juga menjadikan hampir semua artikel blog mempunyai kesempatan untuk dibaca para pengunjung. hal ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas blog kita di mata google.

Tips penting untuk seo kali ini adalah

1. Jangan lupa memasukan postingan kita ke dalam kategori tertentu. usahakan postingan relevan dengan kategori tersebut

2. Jangan lupa menggunakan tag pada postingan kita. penggunaan tag sangat penting apalagi jika tag kita merupakan keyword blog kita. hal ini akanmembuat link kita semakin berkualitas.

3. Hubungkan artikel satu dengan artikel lainya melalui link

ini yang terpenting, langkah ini adalah yang disebut sebagai INTERNAL LINK. dimana setiap artikel yang berhubungan di tautkan melalui link internal .  seperti yang sudah saya jelaskan diatas dengan internal link maka google akan lebih mudah menemukan blog kita. dan manfaat lainya adalah Rangking alexa kita akan meningkat. silakan baca detailnya di sini “ reloadevery Tingkatkan Alexa rank dan visitor trafik “

4. hubungkan setiap artikel dengan HOME

Menghubungkan artikel dengan home membuat situs kita akan semakin terkenal.misalnya artikel ini saya tautkan langsung ke HOme dengan membuat link .

ok kalau begitu selamat membuat artikel dan jangan lupa gunakan internal link di artikel anda.